In which cases the driver can self-check whether to change the brake oil

1. Visual method

Open the brake fluid pot lid, if your brake fluid has become cloudy, black, then do not hesitate to change immediately!

2. Slam on the brakes

Let the car run normally to more than 40KM/h, and then slammed on the brakes, if the braking distance is significantly longer (excluding the brake pad factors) can basically determine that there is a problem with the brake oil, this time the brake oil should also be checked to see whether to replace.

3. The brake is soft and unstable during normal driving

If the brake pedal of the car will be soft, the brake oil should be considered to be changed at this time, because the brake oil deterioration will make the brake pedal even if stepped on in the end will give a soft feeling. Frequent braking produces high temperature, which turns the water absorbed in the brake oil into water vapor, and causes bubbles to gather in the brake oil, resulting in unstable braking force.

Post time: Mar-27-2024